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Parenting Your Teen Through Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts - A Mom's Perspective

Parents, listen to your kids when they tell you they are unhappy or overwhelmed, and miserable. Not every pushback is a challenge of authority or them "just being a teenager." LISTEN TO THEM, whether it is through their words or actions. If every day they are coming home exhausted, genuinely dreading each day because it is full of something they do not enjoy at all, dreading bedtime because it means the same thing again day in and day out, and just plain hating life because they feel trapped and out of options, GIVE THEM OPTIONS.

Talk to them.

Pay attention.

Love them by listening.

Let them know you hear them by making a change, no matter how small.

Don't let them retreat and escape with their devices.

A mother hugging her teen son

Ask about depression; talk about it. Ask about suicidal thoughts and talk about them. And when they won't talk to you, for the love of all things ,have SOME kind of monitoring or alerts set up. An alert might save your child's life or, at the very least, provide an opportunity for conversation.

Get your child help.

Therapists are not bad.

Counselors are not bad.

All medications are not bad.

Calling or texting the national suicide hotline is not bad.

These are not negative reflections on you or your parenting.

Poor mental health that is neglected IS bad.

Thinking your kids do not struggle is naive.

Not listening to your child is poor parenting.

Not taking the necessary steps to help your child succeed is not fully loving them.

Is facing this as a parent heartbreaking? Yes. Is it absolutely necessary to have hard conversations? Yes. Will your child appreciate everything you do for them? Probably not. Maybe one day. Will your child tell you everything? Absolutely not, and that is okay!

Pray for them.

Pay attention to them.

Listen to them.

Thank God for them.

Love them.

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